National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) has begun in the United States.

Now in its 19th year, the national public awareness campaign spreads the message that everyone is responsible for work zone safety. Running April 8-12, 2019, this year’s theme is “Drive Like You Work Here”.

Drivers are encouraged to slow to posted speed limits, eliminate distractions while driving, and be watchful for roadway workers and their equipment.

There were a total of 158,000 work zone crashes in 2016—resulting in 61,000 injuries – which underscores the need for further awareness of how to behave and drive safely in work zones.  In 2017 there were 710 work zone fatal crashes and 799 fatalities, the majority of which were motorists, with 132 deaths accounting for roadway worker fatalities.

As part of NWZAW, Go Orange Day will take place on April 10, encouraging individuals to wear orange as a visual reminder to others of work zones.

State departments of transportation, federal agencies, and other organizations will be participating in NWZAW and Go Orange Day, putting out public service announcements about work zone safety, and hosting events to highlight the issue. For additional information visit