One million drivers in New South Wales who remained offence-free on the road over the past 12 months are being rewarded for their contribution to safety with a demerit point scrubbed from their licence.

The results of the second year of the Government’s demerit point return scheme show drivers in car-reliant areas of Western Sydney and regional NSW are the biggest beneficiaries this year.

The New South Wales Government said the scheme provides a ‘carrot’ for people to drive safely as a counterbalance to the longstanding ‘stick’ of fines, double demerits and the loss of licence.

Almost 1.5 million drivers were eligible to have a demerit point removed when the second year of the trial started on January 17, with just over one million drivers remaining offence-free.

To promote road safety the NSW Government also introduced a range of measures last year which will continue or expand in 2025. They include:

  • The trial of average speed cameras for light vehicles in 2025
  • Doubling roadside enforcement sites used for mobile speed cameras, with an additional 2,700 new sites where a camera can be deployed. Total enforcement hours will remain the same
  • Seatbelt enforcement via the state’s existing mobile phone cameras
  • Removing a loophole to force all motorists driving on a foreign licence to convert to a NSW licence within six months

“I want to thank all those people who did the right thing every day for 12 months because they just may have helped save a life,” said Minister for Roads John Graham.

“We are offering a very personal incentive to drive safely, but the broader effect is that safety on our roads is enhanced overall when people are making the right decisions to remain within the speed limit and within the law.

“This is also about jobs. If you drive for a living then the reward for safe driving could be the difference between ongoing employment and losing your livelihood.”