Average speed cameras will be deployed on a temporary basis at two sites in Scotland during the peak summer season as part of plans to improve road safety.

The Scottish Safety Camera Programme, in partnership with Police Scotland and the Highland Council, is supporting the short term installation of low-carbon fuelled average speed cameras on the A836, between Reay and Thurso, and on the A82 at Luss.

Both locations have been identified as having increased traffic volumes and issues with speeding during the summer period. Live operation will start this summer and continue until traffic levels return to post-summer volumes.

In addition, 14 new electric safety camera vans will join the fleet with deployment across Scotland also scheduled for this summer.

“Police Scotland, and our Safety Camera Unit, are committed to working with our partners in order to influence driver and road user behaviour and reduce casualties,” said Chief Inspector Mark Patterson, Road Policing.

“With the expected increase in traffic volume over the upcoming holiday period, the implementation of these new temporary average speed cameras are part of a crucial partnership response to improving road safety.”